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Tuesday 11 December 2018

A bible in one hand and a rifle in the other

How biblically – inspired hate text is used as justification for massive genocide by Church-based bigots.

We see plenty of shared posts on Facebook and Twitter about how certain wannabe militant (and largely unbalanced) individuals are so proud to be ‘God-fearing patriots’ etc. However, these flag-waving egotists conveniently fail to mention the racial hatred and religious intolerance that ‘their’ society was originally built on.

How many global races had their ancient native cultures totally trashed after invasions by God-fearing, bible bashers, seeking to spread their professed Good News?

Hypocrisy is exemplified so well within the selective mind of the God-fearing bigot!
Of course, Christian genocide worldwide, against supposedly inferior heathen faith systems, has traditionally been justified by biblical (man-made propaganda) verse. Here is one example of their (loving) god instructing massive genocide:

'And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them: neither shalt thou serve their gods; for that will be a snare unto thee.' Deuteronomy 7:16 King James Version.

‘Convert or die’ has been the harsh biblical recommendation throughout history.

The indoctrinated bigot has, since time immemorial, used such malicious scriptural fictions to slaughter other races that failed to conform to the lethal ‘Christian Love Boat’ that the Church sought to float into foreign waters.

Such is the sick nature of religious fundamentalism and hate (dressed up as loving concern for lost souls) locked into the damaged mind of the sanctimonious bigot.

Do you know one, spurting the same God-fearing hate propaganda, on Facebook or Twitter today? 



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