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Saturday, 3 August 2024

KING JAMES BIBLE – evil hiding in our midst!

Biblical Christian teachings: our great tradition, our moral guidance - or an ancient EVIL, transparently hiding behind the veneer of social and religious respectability? 

Regardless of private beliefs, our politicians have by custom essentially played up to the Christian tune.  The King James version (KJV) of the Bible which contains vicious justifications to beat children, was a little TOO extreme for moderate Christians. 

Its ranting and psychopathologic content was so transparently prejudiced and morally hideous that all the convert-chasing churches got together worldwide in 1973 to rewrite the bible (again) from scratch but now using a ‘nicer’ more progressive terminology. This ruse permitted them to present their blatantly intolerant manmade belief system, the New International Version (NIV), in a very much less radical fashion, which was immediately more pleasing to contemporary liberalist Christians.

Christians who are more hardline are not very keen (to put it mildly) on the NIV because of its rewritten compromises, preferring instead to uphold and work from the harsher King James version. 

The significantly deranged King James VI ordered the publication (commissioned in 1604 and published in 1611) of his very own newly rewritten bible. 

To cut a long story short - after a savage storm off Berwick, the King got it into his paranoiac head that witches were seeking to drown his soon-to-be queen. His paranoia by now was at critical mass and under his rule brutal witch-hunt hysteria began. This led to the Berwick Witch Trails.

 James VI was to become the most notorious royal witch-hunter of all time. The deaths of millions rest firmly against the name this most evil man. 

Terrified and innocent women were viciously tortured in the cruellest way imaginable into confessing that they had endeavoured to kill James using curses. 

James became utterly possessed with bizarre notions of devils and demons, which resulted in him employing sadistic witchfinder generals to travel Britain in the hope of rooting out alleged witches. He also instructed his academics to produce his own King James Bible, which was characterised by James’s biased mental delusions. This version of the Bible was first published in 1611 and its discriminatory doctrines have caused millions of deaths in witch hunts since then.  

The KJV is seen by Christian fundamentalists as the holy and unquestionable word of God, yet the historical evidence clearly illustrates that it is a malevolent and psychotic text founded on human hate, ignorance, fear and terrifyingly violent mental delusion. 

It is hard to understand why politicians wish to actually promote the works by such a lunatic of the king as James.

If King Charles, the current unelected Head of State, attempted to write similar psychotic gibberish today we would possibly see massive protests that would call for him to be thrown out of the country. 

Instead, we see a culture that largely replies on James’s rewritten bible as some type of moral compass for ethical good that we should teach our trusting children. The same children that have been abused over centuries, via fundamentalist parents following the guidance of the Bible. 

Here are just a few examples of the biblically-granted right to physically abuse kids…

Proverbs 13:24 - He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. 

Proverbs 29:15:  The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. 

Proverbs Chapter 23: 13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. 

14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.

Proverbs 22:15 - Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. 

We do also know that children have been killed by overzealous and ultra-Christian parents, who believed they were doing God’s work, by beating the Devil out of their child

Sadistic teachers also used the same biblical excuse in schools for ages too. 


Many cases have shown that fundamentalists have been regularly abusing and torturing children, as part of their Christian beliefs.

Sadly, today we may think we have moved on from the brutal times of James. This is not so!

UK Society and the Media have worked very hard to keep the old biblical lies rolling, pushed by James, alive. 

Over previous decades we have seen ‘shock horror’ headlines about kids killed in church rites linked to alleged witchcraft or and tribal beliefs with native African traditions being sited on many occasions. 

The truth is quite different. Kids have been tortured and killed at home and also in Christian churches in public exorcism rites, performed to beat the Devil out of misbehaving children, which would of course include many children suffering from behavioural problems such as ADHD and ASD. and or actual physical problems such as epilepsy.

The usual media deception is to make out that the perpetrators are somehow following unsound Christian beliefs and are part of wacky old cults. In reality the child beaters are quite simply following their so-called 'word of god' guidance to the letter - and as written for all to see in the KJV.

Naturally, the media etc must uphold the regular Christian status quo and quickly recreate reality, so shouts of cults and evil witchcraft are briskly mixed into the brew. 

The media love to get it wrong and always scapegoat cultural pre-Christian beliefs of any kind, rather than laying the blame where it firmly belongs – AT THE FEET OF AUTHENTIC CHRISTIAN BIBLICAL TEACHINGS! 

The festering duplicity of the accepted Christian-oriented establishment has a great deal to answer for! The truth is there yet many do not wish to see it! 

NB. John Freedom of SAFF kindly supplied the following extracts, which are highly pertinent herein. 

The North Berwick Witch Trials - It is not history, it is legacy

The first mass witchcraft hysteria to hit Scotland was the despicable trials of the supposed North Berwick Witches. It was started and overseen by the uber-pious and wickedly fundamentalist King James VI of Scotland, in 1589. North Berwick is only 30 miles from the city of Edinburgh, and it is interesting to note that there are still Witch and Satan Hunters being supported and promoted in the university of Edinburgh today!

Based on this 1589 travesty of justice, involving Witchcraft mania during which at least 70 people (some sources say nearer 200) were put on trial and tortured. Many of them were executed for Witchcraft. James concluded that a storm at sea off North Berwick which nearly killed his Queen, who was en-route, had been whipped up by supernatural agencies!

Records of the trials are replete with idiotic and fantastic statements which could not possibly have happened, such as that witches sailed off in a giant sieve, (Edward Lear watch out!) but these hapless innocent people went to their deaths all the same.

A few years later, in 1597, the smug James having piously killed dozens of innocent Scots, turned to personally authoring his terrifying sectarian handbook 'Daemonologie' which was a completely fictitious idea from his own tiny mind of what he thought Witches did. It was in fact a religious and political call to a crusade. It was the superstition and mad witch-hunting activities of James VI that underlay Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' (first published in 1623) and which play was quite probably also influenced by the sensational confessions of Isobel Gowdie of Nairn which came out in 1622.

Confessions during the North Berwick Witches trials mention 'the adventure in the sieve' which is mentioned in Macbeth. 

'Demonologie' asserts James’s full belief in magic and witchcraft and aims to both prove the existence of such forces and to lay down what sort of trial and punishment these practices merit.

It is undeniable that the Scottish mind, or at least the minds of those who have ruled Scotland, were obsessed with imaginary tales of Witches and Devils and Spirits; and they were willing to believe any supernatural bunk to confirm that belief.

The King of the Scots (from 1603 also King of England and Scotland) helped to cement institutional sectarianism against not only Pagans and Witches but also the Church of Rome and other dissenters.

In 1611, eight years after his ascension to the throne of England, James VI (then James I of England) brought out the King James Bible. It is still today, 400 years later, the most preferred mistranslation of the bible for Protestant activists.

The Church of England is embarrassed with its psychopathic hatred and errors in translation, so they tried to promote various editions of the English Bible in the 1960s to bypass it's paranoia but the King James Bible is especially favoured for its vindictiveness by fundamentalist activists. Look what 'the good book' says:

Exodus 22:18-20 King James Bible:

'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.'

This murderous mistranslation of the original biblical texts which must have sent thousands of innocent people to their deaths nicely encapsulated the obsessive hatred James VI had for Witches. But the original word in the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures [Old Testament] and used by the early Church.) was not 'Witch' but 'Herbalist'. It is well-known that the original village healers were women skilled in the use of natural herbs and ingredients for many healing purposes, particularly childbirth. These herbs were 'charmed' to do their work and so any instance of pagan superstition about the 'spirits of plants' became reinterpreted as 'trafficking with the Devil'.

John also adds the following:

 ‘One would have thought that in this modern world we would all have outgrown that nonsense, but the 2023 Glasgow SRA case is yet another indication that they have not.’ 

Bias against Paganism is never far away, and the Glasgow SRA case is clear evidence of this regrettable fact. It’s always so easy to single out minorities, King James knew it and so did Hitler. 

Sadly, the same must be said for the Scottish authorities and sensation - seeking media who also rushed in to shout ‘Witch’ thanks to indoctrinated prejudice that is still ingrained within society today. 

The monstrously murderous James was nothing more than an filthy stain on world history. 

Kindly see also the following SAFF links. 



FAKE NEWS ALERT: FAKE NEWS ALERT: FAKE NEWS ALERT: Daily Telegraph headline 29 Nov 2022

Satanists are taking over Britain - Christians are being overwhelmed!



When another child is beaten to death will the staff of BBC's Everyman take their share of the responsibility for legitimising the Evil of Exorcism? 


So, how does this affect you? 

You may of course not wish to rock the boat of Christian respectability. You may wish to bury your head in the sands of so-called tradition. For 'tradition' read church - oriented mind control, with centuries of historical Christian expertise behind it!  

Alternately, you may wish to discover how THEY have manipulated your opinions and thoughts since birth. 

One day you may actually learn to think for yourself, rather than follow the sectarian propaganda - ridden  path which they have set out before you! 

Fundamentalism (of all kinds) kills! 



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