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Monday, 22 July 2024

New Crusade in the making as missionary activism grows


The following missionary outreach video, disguised as British patriotism, has just been brought to my attention.


The video in question demonstrates admirably how the Church loves to grab every feasible opportunity to target the unchurched.

“We are strong Christian warriors” the enthusiastic Christian activist declares (with his wee cross around his neck).

So, are we drifting back herein to the deadly extremes of left and right and Christian believers killing Muslims and vice versa? Not a great deal of progress here since the blood-splatted crusades of the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries then?

This Baptist missionary is using the oldest ruse in the book to gain converts. He is utilising a highly divisive situation, as they all do, to promote the alleged Jesus figure and Church ethos. 

Of course, he fails to tell his audience that it is his sacred duty to preach the gospel of Christ crucified to the rest of us ungodly heathens, because if he does not, he doesn’t get to go to heaven. He also fails to tell others that his intolerant religious ethos (what he calls truth) marks anyone who fails to follow his brand of Christian faith as being at best misled, and at worse satanically inspired!

Consequently, this guy is transparently promoting a revivalist evangelical outreach, based herein on alleged love for others and his Church - oriented version of British patriotism. 

This bible basher is shrewdly utilising Tommy Robinson’s quite reasonable, concerns about radical extremism within Islam and excessive illegal immigration for his own missionary ends.

Is Robinson aware of this religious subterfuge utilising his name, or is he just turning a blind eye to it? Afterall, one cannot challenge one aspect of religious fundamentalism without doing the same with all the others. 

Some of us what a working democracy and not a theocracy ruled by self-righteous, religious, zealots, hiding behind the banner of patriotism.  

NB. Predatory evangelists discovered long ago that people who are dealing with  difficult situations like mental health issues, loss, drug and alcohol addiction, crime, etc, are more receptive to being evangelised. 

The political, religious, and the undemocratic royalty axis are also deeply ingrained within unequal UK society.

I hear that there was nothing in the King’s (he’s your ‘unelected’ Head of State, in this pretend democracy) Speech, on how the devastatingly high legal migration issue would be decreased. Shortly before this, official figures indicated that the population of England and Wales leapt by an overwhelming 610,000 in the year to June 2023. This marked the largest rise for 75 years and was almost entirely due to migration. Such an extraordinary upsurge follows a rise of 8 million between the 2001 and 2021 censuses, of which 7 million was due to immigration and children born to immigrants. Source: Migration Watch UK.

All Abrahamic faith systems (which are basically all joined at the hip) have their radical elements and demand total allegiance from their blindly committed followers.

Grinning moderates within these spurious faith systems have to ultimately accept the zealotry held within their holy scriptures (Bible, Koran, etc,) and do what they are told by their more radical leaders.

Furthermore, ambiguous claims about this being a Christian country and that everything is based upon Christianity and its values are bogus. I make no apologies for reiterating the following…

Farming and agriculture were invented by Pagans

Military defence was invented by Pagans.

Architecture was invented by Pagans.

Roads were invented by Pagans.

Coinage was invented by Pagans.

The original traders and merchants were Pagans.

Central heating was invented by Pagans.

Clothing and fashion were invented by Pagans.

Art and philosophy were an expression of the earliest Pagans cultures.

Modern religious traditions, festivals and customs were hijacked from Paganism.

Medicine was invented by Pagans.

Writing was invented by Pagans.

Marine travel was invented by Pagans.

Laws were invented by Paganism.

Democracy was a Pagan invention.

Metalwork was invented by Pagans.

The list of ancient British pre-Christian achievements is endless. Deceptive statements targeted at cultivating support from the indecisive ones in our midst may seem like a fine idea to some, but whatever happened to truthfulness?

More on this Church-based deception here…


Our green isles were great with their own brilliant culture long before the first missionary activists, preaching their intolerant brand of religious propaganda, set foot on our lovely British shores.

Therefore, the rather limited choices that we are being asked to accept go something like this.

We have the enforcers of Dark Age Sharia law and the creeping caliphate of the left; while on the right we see the bible - pushing intolerants who want to get our arses firmly planted onto church pews. In reality this is NO choice at all and amounts to little more this religious mind-control.

Fundamentalism is the real evil in society, and it creeps into society in many forms!  Radical Christianity or extremist Islam – two sides of the same coin.

Society is historically based on and still exists on lies, which are escalated via insincere politicians and equally devious religious activists. 

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