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Wednesday 14 December 2022

Failed predictions - how many times can they get it wrong before the public wake up?

Honest – we could get walrus and penguins swimming down the UK's rivers and the sanctimonious hysterics from grant-seeking climate alarmists scientists and their political masters would still continue.

The ever-trusting public would also of course be glued to their beloved front room TV sets / mind – control boxes, sucking it all up as hard fact.


The alarmists appear to think they know ‘better’ than the gods themselves and place contemporary science ‘above’ the will and power of the gods. This is typical human vanity brought about by reliance in the indoctrinated credos of both monotheistic and scientific half-truths. Sadly a subconscious ‘us against them’ mentality has been forged by the alarmists. Anyone who dares to criticise the Man Mad Global Warming (MMGM) belief system is instantly judged to be immoral and perceived as the blasphemous Bad Guy. Nothing could be further from the truth however.

Climate will change yet again when Nature wishes it to do so, regardless of mankind’s fruitless hopes and fears. Mankind’s subconscious guilt complex, over a naturally changing climate phenomenon, will not modify what is occurring on a grand scale. Humanity may wish it to be different but  because we are puny in contrast with the enormous natural forces which power the planet we have to learn,  to ‘adapt and improvise’ towards the new situation at hand.  Pretending science can do something about it is a complete illusion but a nice bandwagon for unnecessary funding for the hundreds of thousands of scientists being churned out by the educational system. 

The earth, like the greater cosmos, is constantly changing and we must learn to change too. We will never ‘ever’ have power over the climate or the planet because we are typically reliant upon it for our very survival. Science is deviant and supercilious in many instances. Until the alarmists realise their thinking uses a bankrupt philosophy they will never actually access the entire truth. In many ways this is the core of the matter at hand.

I advocate care and respect for the ecosystem and have been happy to defend it at all cost many times. I have also discovered that most genuine new-age people realise that Nature is in control of the climate (not man). Pseudo-scientific esoteric misinformation on Global warming has trapped many otherwise first-class people in a deceptive world of guilt, wherein man is generally considered to be immoral and a stain on the planet.

Yes agreed, humankind is most certainly not without blame when it comes to outrageous commercial destruction of the environment for profit - but individuals cannot be expected to change what cannot be changed, via a wasteful reliance upon the God of Science.

The Latest Version of the Witchcraft Threat!

A growing body of scientists are now expressing deep concern over disproportionate claims concerning global warming theories. Theories that are fast becoming the ‘Holy Crusade’ of numerous scientists and politicians, perhaps seeking to extend their reputation via ‘supposed’ ecological concern in public circles? It seems that almost everything which goes wrong is somehow or somewhere blamed, by shrewd politicians etc, on supposed Man-made Global Warming. It has become a huge 'Scapegoat entity’ in its own right. In fact it’s the new version of erroneous, anciently-perceived witchcraft threats for whatever is thought to be wrong within the environment; the new 'Bogey man' that's coming to get us all unless we mend our wicked ways. Ways that are suggested, adopted and then ‘controlled’ by those in power! Volcano, flood, earthquake, forest fire - blame it all on our 'carbon emissions' and get on your "bike" to save the planet! 

With first-hand political experience I have actually seen the thin veneer of deception behind the alleged concern of numerous devious politicians. MMGW is a massive and widely accepted swindle that helps to place these political movers into a better public perception. And better perception equals one thing; more votes in the election booth!




50 Years of Failed Doomsday predictions


Regardless of how many times the so-called experts get it wrong, the trusting public apparently believe whatever they are told.  

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