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Thursday 24 February 2022

Invasion (and Crusade) - do we never learn?

Here we go, AGAIN. Nothing every really changes EXCEPT the uniforms.

If only mankind could bloody well grow up and ditch all these acrimonious identity labels.

We only need ONE label, which is called humanity.

All the rest of the divisive political, nationalistic, and religious labels are discordant, need dumping fast and basically divide us all via perpetually fuelling hate.

I reiterate, we only need ONE label, which is called HUMANITY. 

As soon as we draw lines in the sand and cling onto old ideas of identity (which the mind-controllers in politics and religion, etc, have carefully crafted for us), we are ultimately doomed. That is why WW3 is now a distinct possibility. Identity breeds blind conformity and anyone who fails to share the same identity is deemed an enemy. 

Do you see how they have controlled you since time immemorial? It has taken us many thousands of years to get to this lethal situation of  SELF-DESTRUCTION.

The power struggles are of course nothing new. The world's dictatorships create for us a false sense that we are in control, when the reverse is in fact the opposite. The last two years of  medical fascism have shown many of us how easily governments can all pull our strings and wreck our lives, when it suits their hidden, double-dealing, agendas.

Look far into history and you will see that nothing ever changes that much. In many ways Rome used to see itself as a partially Global Policeman. It had it ups and downs yet in the end and after many highly questionable dictators and savage wars, it also failed. 

History keeps repeating itself because people have not yet figured out that the whole system based on identity is flawed.  

Do we never learn from the horrific errors of the past?

Meanwhile, the EU appear to be slightly concerned at this invasion... 

Rather than evolve in a positive spiritual way that helps our species and the rest of our wonderful planet, humanity today seems to be on a nose dive into oblivion. 

The rise of the Orthodox Church in Russia is disconcerting. Christian nationalistic tendencies run high and so do the hates and bias that link closely with the biblical doctrine.

The close regard that Putin and this Christian church’s spiritual leader, Patriarch Kirill, have for each other is no secret. Hate for gay people is all a part of the deal too. The Patriarch said “so-called homosexual marriages” were a threat to families and added that “when laws are detached from morality they cease being laws people can accept.” This he said was similar to the laws in Nazi Germany. 

Putin said same-sex marriage "will not happen" as long as he's in the Kremlin. Putin now portrays himself as the true defender of Christians throughout the world, the leader of the Third Rome. His mega bombing of ISIS, for example, was cast as the defence of the historic homeland of Christianity.

Once long ago mankind reacted with the planet in a symbiotic fashion, yet now we want to possess everything and give nothing back. The greed - ridden materialistic level has become the all-powerful god of everything and everyone, and that included all aspects of political fidelity and organised (controlled) world religions.

Of course, religious fundamentalism is never far from the dark spectre of war. 

Putin the self - appointed crusader

Putin previously sought to justify the looming invasion of Ukraine with a twisted chronological narrative. He declared without any proof that Kyiv was preparing for the “destruction” of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. 

However, the reaction of the Metropolitan Onufry (the primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church), who compared the war to the “sin of Cain,” the biblical character who slaughtered his brother, indicates that even the Moscow-oriented church has a robust sense of Ukrainian national identity.

In like fashion, Hitler frequently used Christianity to justify his blitzkrieg against the rest of humanity. Once again, the clandestine use of a carefully crafted identity can and will pull in support from millions who have been manipulated to accept such mind control. 

Putin clearly sees himself as a Christian defender for the world 

“We see many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.” 
Speech 2013. 

The question must be asked – does this influential Christian fundamentalist welcome Armageddon (End Times), as the precursor of the so-called 'Second coming' of Christ? 

Putin clearly regards his spiritual destiny to be the restoration of Christendom.

Countless people don’t understand the extent to which Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a spiritual mission for him. The Baptism of Rus is the founding event of the formation of the Russian religious mindset. The Russian Orthodox church traces its origins back here. 

Speaking of earlier mass baptisms, Putin clarified:

 “His (Vladimir of the Rus) spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilisation and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. 

He dearly wants to do the same again and has little interest in any other plan! 

If we can just step back a little, light the peace pipe and sincerely unchain ourselves from the ‘Must have/Must keep’ materialist, identity-driven, gravy train, then perhaps we can eventually evolve into something wonderful, significant and even stop killing each other.

Genuine liberation will never be achieved via the adoption of spurious identities, crafted for us by religious crusaders and political extremists in grey suits. 

And news just out in the media - as predicted above...

Putin is now seen as the upholder of traditional Christianity

The national press were a little bit slow to catch up with what I had told them about several days ago, yet they got there in the end.

Again - as predicted...

Pat Robertson says Putin was ‘compelled by God’ to invade Ukraine to fulfil Armageddon prophecy

Televangelist Pat Robertson said Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “compelled by God” in his decision to invade Ukraine, suggesting that Russia’s attacks are a precursor to an end-times battle in Israel.

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