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Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Mersey Tidal Power but at what cost to the ancient ecosystem?

The hypocritical Church of Climate Alarmism is now threatening wildlife habitat on our doorstep.

So, in line with questionable climate ideals, as proposed by Saint Greta and her schoolyard skivers, the Sefton authorities now plan to embark upon a draconian and uber-costly Mersey tidal power project.

The Mersey Estuary and the Mersey Narrows and Wirral Foreshore are both designated as internationally important Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for their shore-bird assemblages. However, Labour MP Bill Esterson is backing proposals to harness the force of the River Mersey to power one million homes in the Liverpool city region. But what about the potentially devastating impact on the ecosystem, is that not important to him?


Of course, so-called ‘green’ climate activists and their trusting followers will always dismiss wildlife and natural habitat as being insignificant. Habitually they will and do shout down any fair-minded challenges to their extremist and undemocratic worldview as well.

However, some environmental bodies like the Wildlife Trust appear to oppose the tidal power plans for very good reason.

'The north west and the Mersey estuary in particular, provides an exciting and tempting opportunity to meet a large slice of the region’s and the UK’s energy needs. It’s also easy to see such a multi-billion pound project as highly attractive when we find ourselves in a tough period for employment and investment. It is critical however, that we ensure that the very highest EU and international designations for our most precious wildlife and habitats are not undermined, and the purpose of their existence is not simply disregarded in the name of progress. The Mersey is a crucial wild place that is finally on the verge of recovery, after generations of damage for which we must be held responsible. Surely we have a duty not to undo this hard work.'


North West Wildlife Trust is working hard to protect habitats and species in your community and standing up for wildlife where you live – including energy and development projects that affect all our futures.

Nevertheless, the North West Wildlife Trusts do not believe they can support the scheme as it has been proposed

The Trust advised that salmon have only been back in Mersey since 1999. Forcing them to swim through fast-moving turbines could have a devastating effect on this revitalised population.

NB. Funding for this potential environmental disaster of epic proportions had recently been granted.


Moreover, judging by the remarks reported in the BBC article it's clear that this draconian scheme has more to do with appeasing climate alarmism than anything else.

Wading birds like dunlin may lose half their body weight on migration. Consequently, the precious mud of the Mersey is a lifesaver to such species.

Migrating species arrive by the thousand, from Canada, Africa and Russia. They come to the Estuary for food, rest and shelter. Removing this ancient vital habitat places their numbers at risk and may aid to later extinction. How 'green' is that?

The Trust says...

 ‘It is self-defeating to view our energy needs in isolation from our natural environment’. 

Ironically, the allegedly green activists and crafty point-scoring politicians now eagerly jumping on the climate bandwagon, who are obsessed with a perceived 'climate emergency' are the people who truly threaten valuable wildlife habitat the most today. 

The Mersey is an essential wild habitat that is finally on the brink of recovery, after generations of environmental vandalism for which mankind must be held responsible. Surely we have a responsibility not to undo this hard work. 

Ironically, today's smug councils love to fly the green flag and lecture us all about cutting our CO2 emissions, that's the stuff that makes plants and trees grow bigger.

At the same time these hypocrites are more than happy to give away or sell our fragile dwindling countryside and woodlands to rich fat-cat developers to bulldoze into extinction. 

Climatologist Breaks the Silence on Global Warming Groupthink

The allegedly 'green' climate campaigners and their, eager to please, trained politicians cannot have it both ways. 

Apparently the trusting followers of the Church of Climate Alarmism really think that saving the planet now includes the destruction of ancient wild habitat and the many fragile species that have, for millions of years, depended upon such wonderful places for survival.  They really cannot have their cake and eat it. 

So, they are going to wreck the Mersey ecosystem to - 'save the planet' - go figure! 

Mayor Steve Rotheram said it would harness the city's "unique geography". He added: "With the right government support, we could be generating clean power by the end of the decade - a full ten years ahead of the city region's zero carbon 2040 target."

So, "zero carbon" and zero wildlife? 

Raving double standards or? 

It's also rather strange that many politicians were quick to attack fracking as an environmental disaster yet they seem quite content (as in Bill Esterson's case) to happily back this latest assault on the UK's vanishing ecosystem! 

Mixed political messages, climate panic and more attempts to control the planet

Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson vowed to fight the “environmental vandalism” of fracking when it was announced that a planning application to frack for gas in Great Altcar was imminent. However, in stark contrast, climate alarmism supporter Esterson also said the “exciting” plans to create a tidal barrage or lagoon would be a “game-changer” in the battle against the climate crisis and in cutting harmful emissions which affect air quality and public health in the short term.

Moreover, despite many public protests Labour councillors in strength previously voted for the wholesale destruction of beloved Southport woodlands in Ainsdale a while ago. 

Save Ainsdale's (Kitty's Wood) George Drive woodland.

Above: A wonderful native Southport woodland habitat no more, thanks to political intransigence towards the ecosystem along with clandestine community deceit. 

Today, we love to point the finger of blame at earlier societies such as the Victorians with their massive scale of industrial pollution etc. Future generations will however judge us by the ecological vandalism that our point-scoring politicians are happy to permit today.  These fools only get away with it because we let them! 


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