May Day 2017
Man-made calendars that are so beloved of that great mind-controlling establishment, the Church, really have no place in the natural seasonal cycle. Mother Nature will decide what is what and when the summer should genuinely commence.
During May Day in northerly parts of Britain we usually have by this time seen attractive cherry tree blossom, hanging in beautiful pink and white clusters. However, the damp and chilly spring weather appears to be clinging on tightly at all costs.
The so-called ‘Resurrection’ ethos found within death cults like the Church is nothing more than hollow and rehashed ideals, deviously grounded upon the natural rebirth within the universal cycles of nature.
The shrewd Church in fact built their Jesus Myth around the seasonal cycle and older Pagan agricultural calendar.
Traditionally, the wonderful month of May gains its name from the Roman/Greek fertility goddess ‘Maia’, mother of the god Mercury. She was equated with Fauna, Cybele and Ops; goddesses who were deeply loved and cherished by the masses.
Fauna's feast day was held on the opening night of May. It was a sacred occasion exclusive to women, as the men honoured Fauna's masculine partner, Faunus, instead. During Fauna's carnival wine and music blended with mystical ritual. This produced an outlandish yet blissful mixture of reverberation and adulation for the divinity.
Fauna's feast day was held on the opening night of May. It was a sacred occasion exclusive to women, as the men honoured Fauna's masculine partner, Faunus, instead. During Fauna's carnival wine and music blended with mystical ritual. This produced an outlandish yet blissful mixture of reverberation and adulation for the divinity.
Virgil claimed that young folk would venture out at the Floralia celebration to pick summer flowers from field, wood and meadow. Much singing and dancing took place and this natural Pagan love of life has come down to us today in the form of contemporary Maypole/May Day celebrations.
May Queen and King Parades can easily be traced back to ancient Rome and beyond. Roman children happily adorned diminutive clay statues of this goddess with beautiful wild blossoms as a token of love and respect. The early Church, ever eager to crush Pagan religion, cunningly usurped Flora and swapped her image for one of the Virgin Mary thereby gaining spiritual monopoly over the unsuspecting, censored population.
To trace more origins of May Day in the British Isles we need to look toward the Celtic race.
The Celtic May Day is known as Beltane/Beltaine (meaning fire of Bel/Bile).
Bel has associations with the Roman Pluto and Dis-pater, Lord of the Underworld/Death. Numerous legends claim he arrived from ‘Spain’ (which is actually a misleading euphemism for the Celtic Hades.) This is plain evidence of early missionary interference with Pagan myth, deviously inserted to deprive Bile of his traditionally divine nature.
Bel has associations with the Roman Pluto and Dis-pater, Lord of the Underworld/Death. Numerous legends claim he arrived from ‘Spain’ (which is actually a misleading euphemism for the Celtic Hades.) This is plain evidence of early missionary interference with Pagan myth, deviously inserted to deprive Bile of his traditionally divine nature.
On May eve all household fires would be extinguished then later rekindled from a great druidic hilltop blaze outdoors. The Druids, being the Pagan priests of the Celts, believed that it was sacrilegious to worship the gods in dwellings made by mortal man.
Beltane marked the commencement of the Celtic summer and the blaze spiritually connected with the increasing solar power needed to sustain life. It was brought joyously to each homestead as a vital mystical token of new life, which every grateful occupant accepted with a glad heart. The mysterious green life energy was flowing in nature and it couldn't be ignored.
The Celts, unlike many of their predecessors, were fundamentally cattle rearing folk. Their four most important festivals being: Imolg/Imbolc, (Feb 2nd) Beltaine/Beltane, (April 30th) Lughnasadh/Lugnassad (July 31st) and Samhain (Oct 31st.)
The Celts, unlike many of their predecessors, were fundamentally cattle rearing folk. Their four most important festivals being: Imolg/Imbolc, (Feb 2nd) Beltaine/Beltane, (April 30th) Lughnasadh/Lugnassad (July 31st) and Samhain (Oct 31st.)
One British legend sees the ruler of the Welsh Otherworld, 'Gwen ap Nudd' (son of Nudd), mount fierce battle for the hand of the beautiful maiden Creudylad. His adversary is the god Gwyrthur ap Greidawl.
The old native festivals like May Day that we take for granted hold ancient clues to where we all came from and what we really are today.
NB. A May Day rally of protest here to gain support for a little bluebell woodland in Ainsdale, Southport. It's under threat of destruction from a housing developer and council. See you there ...?
Pat Regan ©

Also see this UFO Digest link...
This duel took place every Beltaine (May Day) which was the start of the Celtic summer, until the end of time itself.
The old native festivals like May Day that we take for granted hold ancient clues to where we all came from and what we really are today.
NB. A May Day rally of protest here to gain support for a little bluebell woodland in Ainsdale, Southport. It's under threat of destruction from a housing developer and council. See you there ...?
Pat Regan ©

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