'Save Southport Greenbelt' - Sefton Tory Leader says - Enough is enough!
to the People!
Councillor Jones said in the Council Chamber:
“I do not agree with my government building on the Green Belt. I support my residents’ views, why do we not listen to the people that elected us as councillors? We do not support the preferred option and do not want it to go any further, we are going to build all these houses and already our services can't cope. The plan will cripple our council. There is already concrete on most of our borough, there is no room to build any more,
Well said Terry! It
is good to see others say ‘NO’ to the eco-vandals who wish to destroy our precious
Notes by Southport author, Pat Regan, on Councillor Peter Dowd’s,
controversially proposed, land-flattening policies.
Councillor Peter Dowd, and any faithful parties/individuals that stand
with him on nauseating Greenbelt annihilation proposals, are clearly to be held
fully accountable for an immense ‘Crime against Nature’.
Lovely pic