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Monday 1 July 2024

Barrister highlights UK media bias & censorship behind the Robinson Canadian release

UK Media:  promoting fairness and democratic balance for all - or running scared like frightened rabbits?

UK’s lily – livered, dishonourable, media bullies shown to be 100% biased and discriminatory.

Mass articles appeared regarding the recent Canadian arrest of Tommy Robinson, yet deathly press silence has ensued followed his release. Does anyone smell a self-opinionated media rat's nest hiding in dark places?

This is NOT about supporting, or not supporting, any person – it's about equal justice, the rule of law and reasonable and balanced reporting.

The UK Media sets the narrative for the vast majority of trusting souls to swallow, so it’s not at all surprising why so many people have not got a clue.

The gormless anti-free speech UK Media are dismissing/ignoring news of the release because it flies in the face of their intolerant, anti-Robinson, bias.

Why was the release ignored by the newspapers, etc? For an analogy we may liken it to the Spanish Inquisition applauding a heretic/freethinker, because she/he was seen being kind to a cute puppy. It would never happen!

The Press ONLY want the ‘boo hiss’/stage villain factor of Robinson to be shown to a trusting public and the fact that he was released without charges goes 100% against their discriminatory narrative. They only tell you one side of the story! 

They dare not tell you the truth herein, as it may just show us their own well-concealed failings.

If you want genuine FREE SPEECH, then take an axe to your television (i.e. that mind control box in your living room) and chuck your news (lol) papers in the bin!

The UK media have been weighed, they have been measured, and they have been found to be wanting. Reporting must be fair and unbiased. 

Press censorship is anathema to truth.

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