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Saturday 29 June 2024

Immigration Crisis! OK, but what about our precious vanishing countryside?

It seems that the immigration crisis is a key point in the next election.

Naturally we are all immigrants, if we care to examine our ancient history. Peoples from far off lands, Saxon, Norse, Roman, etc have been an enriching cultural grounding point over eons and made the UK what it is today. 

Our rich Pagan heritage gave us many things that went on to become a part of everyday life here. I recently reminded Mr Farage of this point in a previous blog... 

The immigration numbers over centuries had been self-balancing and manageable. However, the massive influx today apparently threatens the people who are already squashed here into the fair green isles.

For a simple analogy consider the following.

You have a large fish tank, and you love the healthy fish swimming inside it. So, because of your passion, you introduce more and more. Eventually you notice that the waters are becoming murky then you see a few dead fish floating on the top. Within a few days they all die. Whoops, silly old you went and destroyed everything, by cramming too many fish into the given space available.

It’s not rocket science and it certainly not wise to overload ANY eco  system, and that of course includes humans!

Short sighted stupidity and blind cringing appeasement to political correction is no good excuse for wrecking overstretched communities and eradicating our wonderful UK ecosystem.

Some years ago, I highlighted the issue relating to this excessive immigration matter, which has largely been ignored by most apprehensive politicians.


Does our UK Countryside with its grand meadows, fields, rivers, and forests mean so little to politicians now that it is not even worth a mention? Will every politician turn a blind eye while the bulldozers flatten our woodlands and hillsides across the landscape? 

Many thousands of additional houses to cope with the growing influx of too many folks from other lands means more loss of wildlife, leading to species extinction, and their fragile habitat.

A few of us strange, tree-hugging, types 'still' care about our wonderful wild places and the creatures that need them for survival.

Migration Watch recently reported the following

'The Home Office has amassed a stock of 16,000 properties for asylum seekers, despite a severe shortage of housing for young professionals and families. Contractors employed by the Home Office are offering landlords five-year guaranteed full rent agreements to take over the management of properties as they rush to relocate asylum seekers from hotels.

These properties, sourced from the private rental and social housing markets, are being utilised to accommodate over 58,000 asylum seekers across England, Wales, and Scotland – a figure that has doubled in the last decade.

Meanwhile, Housing Secretary Michael Gove has warned that if young British people and families continue to struggle with homeownership, they may lose faith in democracy. As a result, we learn that the Government are looking to unveil measures to appeal to Generation Rent and the Boomerang Generation, who return home after university or training.'

At the end of the day we have to ask ourselves - are we happy to see our social structure and the UK countryside collapse and vanish under the weight of massive immigration, or not? 







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