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Monday 20 May 2019

The indoctrinated Death of Democracy in the UK

Oldham disturbance exposes dormant, anti-democratic, fundamentalism waiting to explode in the UK.

Do we live in a free democracy or a stifling dictatorship controlled by media lies, where information is carefully censored and twisted, with the blessings of our corrupt politicians, before being made public?

The latest religious fundamentalist attack on a peaceful political campaign rally has illustrated the abject failure of the UK media and our politicians.

Our UK police force, filmed here by Rebel News, is clearly unable to control brick and bottle-throwing yobs that attacked a lawful Tommy Robinson political rally.

Unlike the trained lapdogs in the UK media, some independently-minded reporters covered events accurately as they happened. “It’s definitely over a hundred Muslim people pushing trying to get to this side; throwing bricks, throwing glass bottles at women and children that are here for a political campaign rally” stated Jessica Swietoniowski of Rebel News

Fundamentalist agitators that think violence is somehow acceptable in the UK should note the following... 

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 20. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

When masked fundamentalist thugs seek to suppress our democratic right to peaceful assembly and free speech in the UK, it marks the death of democracy. Our nauseating politicians in the larger parties look on and let this charade carry on, with some of the arrogant fools even encouraging the violence with mockery. Nevertheless, the disgraceful ongoing UK media campaign of misinformation cannot change the facts.  

Whether you love him or hate him Tommy Robinson has regularly been portrayed as the Great Satan by the lying UK media, self-righteous politicians and our biased establishment. His main crime has been to expose the illusion of real democracy in the UK and the nature of creeping religious fundamentalism. 

The establishment-driven witch hunt of this MEP candidate shames all of UK society. It has shades of the type of persecution that the Church mounted on so-called heretics and witches during the dark days of the Burning Times. 

Incidentally, another person bravely criticised fundamentalism a few years back and for his troubles became the victim of a fatwa. 

The "freedom to offend" that Mr Rushdie bravely spoke about, does not give one the freedom to 'assault' a man that you may disagree with!

Remember: if you truly value your freedom of expression then you must be prepared to extend the same liberty to other people.  

Author Salman Rushdie was targeted for murder by the Islamic hierarchy after daring to write his book, The Satanic Verses. Death threats were made against him, including a fatwā calling for his assassination issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Mr Robinson, with his hard-working efforts to become an MEP, is now clearly seen as an enormous threat to the UK establishment and of course, they will not tolerate anyone rocking their boat. The UK’s media are of course in their pockets so they know where their bread is buttered; hence the daily press onslaught of lies and misinformation against this guy. Many police and military personnel also realise the corruption of this situation but have to remain silent due to risk to their careers.

More here… https://www.votetommy.co.uk/ 

Of course, ALL forms of religious fundamentalism are deadly, yet the cock-eyed UK establishment is apparently now seeking to indirectly permit the plague of anti-democratic extremism to gain a foothold. I covered aspects of global fundamentalism in my earlier works, including this book. 

A true democracy cannot be dictated to by brick-throwing masked thugs seeking to enforce their brand of intolerant religious ethos on the rest of us. 

It seems that police badly misgauged the Oldham situation because bottles and bricks hurled at families with children attending a lawful political rally can never be justified. How did they get it so wrong? 

Moreover, as we all know, our media are now happy to shout "RACIST" or "NAZI" at anyone who dares to challenge fundamentalism. Therefore, I ask if they would also shout the same abuse at Mr Churchill, a man that held extremely strong views on some aspects of fundamentalism? 

Of course, the lying UK media would not dare to defame the name of that man for fear for losing widespread public support. What huge hypocrites they truly are and all without one original thought in their empty heads! 

So there we have the nature of widespread UK hypocrisy.  Robinson, Churchhill and Rushdie - all brave men holding similar viewpoints against fundamentalism yet only one of this trio is targetted with being a racist. What further evidence do we require to expose the odious political duplicity and hate directed at an individual who merely fights for the liberty for democracy to remain in the UK? 


We hate him - just not sure why? Probably because the newspapers and our political masters tell us to! 

Here is another example of typical (and politically well-indoctrinated)  haters aiming their blatantly ignorant venom at critics of fundamentalism. Most have no answers about their hate but plenty of abuse when questioned. 

Above: a tiny anti-Tommy Labour protest in Heywood recently. When asked why Mr Robinson was a "fascist" in their eyes these bewildered haters either had no answer or resorted to disgusting four-letter abuse against the female reporter. 

It's high time that the befuddled UK media woke up and stopped printing childish lies against people like Mr Robinson who are, like it or not, audaciously challenging fundamentalism and thus fighting for our right to remain a democratic country.

UK media hiding the truth from YOU...

Consequently, the UK’s ongoing failure to deal with the rise of blind fundamentalism, as seen in Oldham etc, comes as no surprise.

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