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Friday 15 March 2019

Minor psychic start to the day as kids go to school

So there I was driving the kids to school when an odd thought pops into my mind.

“What we need in the boot is a box to put frogs or toads in if we find any on the roads when we are out,” I said to Jasmine at 8.48 am this morning.

On my way back to the village post office, about 25 minutes later, I locked the car and after walking about 20 yards came across two mating frogs in the side of the road. 

Without hesitation, I picked them up and rushed back to the vehicle. The only thing I had to stick them in was a carrier bag. I could not have left them there to meet their doom. 

A few minutes later the two amphibious lovers were happily carrying on their passionate affair in my pond. So, it was a big win for the frogs and bad news for hunting cats and magpies or any passing car that would have either tortured them into extinction or squashed the poor little mites to death… 

The shot above shows another frog, who is now a proud parent as you can see. 

Man constantly destroys their natural habitat, via profit-driven increased building developments everywhere. If that does not wipe them out, then us 'intelligent' apes bring in domesticated (cute family pet) predators to finish off the job by hunting them down in gardens across the land.  

Thanks to man the frogs have a hard time in places just surviving 

Do the frogs etc a big favour – make a pond for them in your garden. Also if you must keep a cat make sure that it is not allowed to run wild destroying native wildlife at will. 

The Mammal Society states...

'Cats kill 275 million other animals a year. Domestic cats are lethal hunters, killing at least 275 million other animals a year in Britain, a report showed today. The apparently cuddly pets prey on a number of declining and endangered species, including water voles and dormice'

Needless to say, frogs are also big on the pet feline hit list. Our amphibian friends need all the help we can give them.

In other countries, the cat predation situation is dire, thanks to man's appalling inability to act responsibly.

According to ornithologist John Woinarski, who recently completed a monumental study that found that cats kill more than a million Australian birds a day, responsible pet ownership is key. “It’s great that people have pets because it gives them the opportunity to have empathy with animals. It makes us appreciate and understand their value. Keeping cats is fine but it needs to be done responsibly,” he tells Australian Geographic.

Cats do what they do, they kill - that is simply their nature. However, the real problem for the wild ecosystem is human irresponsibility in allowing their pets to roam at will and destroy native species everywhere. 

Thankfully, the more responsible owners have realised this fact and are now using fencing etc to ensure that their pets do not add to the alarming loss of wild birds and animals. 

Be a responsible cat owner and keep them in. Not only will you be helping wildlife but also reducing the chances of YOUR cat being killed on some busy road.


Protect your cat and the wildlife by neutering them as well...


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