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If you have any interest in: Ufology, Paranormal, Angling, Paganism, the Eco-system and general controversy then this may just be the place for you. I am a published author of books concerning these particular topics...


Wednesday 8 August 2018

Angry organist on Lord Street: Police called in

Several police vehicles arrived this afternoon in Lord Street to deal with a problem involving an angry organist.

The man, who was attempting to play gloomy church music, squared up to police and community support officers for some time. 

A great deal of shouting and gesturing went on for some time.

Although not yet confirmed, it appeared that the officers were attempting to move the organist on after local complaints.

The unusual fiasco attracted curious onlookers to the scene.

 Pat Regan ©


  1. Hi Pat

    I find this gentleman's organ playing uplifting and food for the soul. I have heard him many times in Southport and made a point to stop and thank him and his wife for their spirited playing amongst the dogged and gloomy shoppers. I hope it continues.

    1. To be honest Billy, it reminds me of a funeral and I find it rather depressing. Still, that's music for you and we all have different tastes.
