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Wednesday 11 October 2017

Tarot and the global crisis

I was just pondering as one does on the North Korean predicament, which is a very real threat to us all. With that (and Mr Kim especially) in mind I cast the following Celtic spread, which others can take or leave as they find…

Five of Wands (above the current situation) and the Knight of Swords (riding hard into the future) suggest serious struggles and conflict. Six of Swords also indicates more conflict from others in this equation. Knight of Cups crossing feels to me like ‘Rocket Man’, as he has become affectionately known, is NOT listening to his inner voice. Is he allowing his ego to rule over his higher self/deeper intellect? Page of Pentacles may indicate recent financial quest for improvements yet again the seriousness of the more negative cards suggest this valuable wisdom is being ignored…

Can these disconcerting factions be set back via the underlying influence of Cups if taken heed of? Well, it is not very promising as it stands but fate can lend a hand at any time…

The Tower with all its traditionally 'catastrophic' connotations, turning up in Hopes and Fears is not any great surprise under the current international circumstances.

Nevertheless, the Wheel of Fortune, as the concluding factor, leaves an open book on forthcoming events. 

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